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MONEY Master the Game Book Review
MONEY Master the Game Book Review

There are topics that, for some reason, are not accepted to be discussed, religion, personal intimate relationships and preferences in them, belonging to a party and other topics that touch us. Talking about money is also on this list! I think the lack or so little of the conversation is that each of these topics is very emotional for us.

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MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

For what reason this is a question. Perhaps we have so merged, identified with one of these themes, and perhaps with all of them together, that we no longer see and cannot find where we ourselves are in this. Or maybe we simply do not pay due attention to this topic for communication and we simply do not have the skill of communicating on these topics. Tony Robinson took on one of these topics, and that topic is money. He undertook to talk with the best people in financial matters of this world, and not only with those who managed to earn billions of dollars, but also with those who managed and continue to use millions and billions for charitable purposes.

And through the pages of his book, Anthony share this knowledge with other people. Tony’s mission and idea for the book is simple. There is an algorithm, steps, with the help of which any person can come to the conclusion that money will be enough for him, his family, close people, and there will still be an opportunity, or rather it is already there, for charity and help other, strangers. A large amount of theoretical information is described in simple language and with examples. Something that you can start to put into practice already from the first chapter of the book and even while reading the book.

The book will help everyone, and especially those who want to be a person who does not just interact with money, but knows how and where to send it and be its leader. Simple steps that anyone can take, stories of people who have already taken these steps, statistics for a more holistic picture of the world of finance, thoughts about how to make us happy, a light letter from the author gives you the opportunity to change your life in a wonderful way.

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